More than 400 people have signed a petition calling on the council to ban motor vehicles from a section of pristine forest in the Albany CBD.
Presented to the council by Friends of Yakamia Forest Boodja on December 17, the petition describes the negative effects of dieback introduced to Lot 4743 — otherwise known as Yakamia Forest — via tyres on vegetation.
The petition was signed by 435 people, with another 13 adding their signatures at the council.
Friends of Yakamia spokesperson Annabel Paulley said there have been a number of “concerning incidents” involving vehicles that threaten the flora and fauna of the area.
“We don’t have anything against motorised vehicles, just not in the forest,” she said.
“In recent months there have been a series of concerning incidents — four-wheel-drives have been entering the forest to cut jarrah trees for firewood.
“An ATV (all-terrain vehicle) was witnessed forging an unauthorised new path up through the priority ecological community of banksia coccinea, knocking over and damaging tree saplings and bushes.
“We know it’s hard to keep motorbikes out, but that’s no reason not to try.”
Ms Paulley said the group would like to see gaps in the east and west boundaries blocked with large boulders, and to see the two fire access gates on Target Road secured.
“All of these vehicles pose a real threat of introducing dieback on tyres,” she said.
The petition states the incursions by motor vehicles have put animals and plants at risk.
“The incursions have left the entire ecosystem and vital wildlife habitat for a significant population of critically-endangered western ring tail possums under threat from dieback introduced on vehicle tyres and garden tools,” the petition reads.
“This unique mix of vegetation is currently in good condition and it must be preserved.”
The petition requests the council take “immediate” action to protect native vegetation on the lot.
The council voted unanimously to receive the petition.