Thursday, March 6


Muan International Airport, which was built in 2007 to put the county on the world map, has connections domestically and to other parts of Asia.

Visitors often sought out the county’s food specialties such as its octopus, specifically the mudflat octopus. There is even an “Octopus Street” where restaurants and shops sell the delicacy. 

“Octopus is abundant across the country, but here, there is something unique about it,” said restaurant owner Kim Myung-sook, who has been running her store for the past 20 years. 

“The mudflats in this area are shallow compared to the deeper seas elsewhere. Due to these shallow mudflats, the octopus here is particularly tender and very delicious. Even the colour of the octopus is different.”

Her restaurant is usually bustling with people ushering in the new year. But this year, she decided to close on New Year’s Day. 

“Usually at the end of the year, we get lots of reservations, but they have all been cancelled. It’s understandable. How can anyone think of eating, drinking and enjoying themselves in this situation?” said the 64-year-old. 

“There is really nothing I can say to those bereaved families, no words (to help them).”


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