Saturday, September 7

JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA — Former President Jacob Zuma has been disqualified from running for parliament in next week’s general election, following a ruling by South Africa’s Constitutional Court. The court determined that Zuma’s 15-month prison sentence for contempt of court rendered him ineligible.

Zuma was convicted in 2021 for refusing to testify at an inquiry investigating corruption during his presidency, which ended in 2018. Since falling out with the governing African National Congress (ANC), Zuma has been campaigning under the newly formed uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) party.

MK secretary-general Sihle Ngubane expressed disappointment with the ruling but insisted it would not impact the party’s campaign for the May 29 election. “He is still the leader of the party. It [the ruling] doesn’t affect our campaign at all,” Ngubane stated.

South Africa’s electoral system allows voters to choose political parties, with seats allocated based on the number of votes each party receives. Consequently, Zuma’s name will be removed from MK’s list of parliamentary candidates, although his image will remain on the ballot papers alongside the party’s logo.

Outside the court, MK supporters sang and danced, portraying Zuma as a victim. Inside, some attendees, dressed in traditional Zulu attire, listened silently as Justice Leona Theron delivered the unanimous judgment. Zuma has not yet commented on the ruling.

The court’s decision follows a history of unrest among Zuma’s supporters, who rioted in 2021 after his imprisonment. Some leaders had threatened violence if Zuma was disqualified, but MK officials have since shifted their focus to securing a two-thirds majority to amend the constitution and potentially reinstate Zuma.

In court, Zuma’s lawyers argued that his early release by President Cyril Ramaphosa after three months nullified the remainder of his sentence. The court disagreed, emphasizing that the length of time served was irrelevant. South Africa’s constitution bars individuals sentenced to 12 months or more in prison, without the option of a fine, from serving in parliament to protect the integrity of the post-apartheid democratic regime.

President Ramaphosa acknowledged the ruling in an interview with 702 radio, stating, “The court has ruled, and as I have often said, that is the highest court in the land and we have given the judiciary the right to arbitrate disputes amongst us in terms of our constitution.”

Political analyst Levy Ndou suggested the ruling could test Zuma’s character and the loyalty of MK’s supporters. If MK members are devoted to Zuma as an individual, the party’s prospects may weaken. However, if they believe in MK’s broader cause, they could continue their campaign without him.

MK has experienced internal conflicts, with Zuma rising to the party’s leadership after ousting founding leader Jabulani Khumalo. Zuma remains a polarizing figure, with his presidency marked by widespread corruption allegations, which he has consistently denied.

As the ANC campaigns to extend its 30-year rule, it faces challenges from MK and other opposition parties. An Ipsos opinion poll released last month indicated MK could secure 8% of the vote, while the ANC’s support stood at 40%, a significant drop from the 57.5% it achieved in 2019. However, the ANC’s intensified campaign efforts in recent weeks could still see it surpass the 50% mark.

Former President Thabo Mbeki, a respected figure among many voters, has joined the ANC’s campaign, particularly in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng, denouncing Zuma as a “wolf in sheep’s skin” and a “counter-revolutionary.”

As South Africans prepare to vote for the national parliament and nine provincial legislatures, the court’s ruling ensures that Zuma will be barred from holding any parliamentary or provincial positions. The outcome of the election will determine the future political landscape of South Africa, with the ANC striving to maintain its majority amidst growing competition


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