Sunday, June 30

A mystery woman seen with an umbrella could be the key to an unsolved investigation into the violent death of a man in Sydney.

Fijian national Maciu Tale Tuitubou, 36, died in hospital a day after he was found at a home in Granville, in western Sydney, with serious head injuries.

More than three months after his March 18 death, NSW Police on Friday launched a public appeal for information in the hope of solving the case and giving his family some closure.

A 28-year-old man was arrested at the scene of the apparent assault, but no charges were laid against him.

Detectives want to track down a woman who was spotted holding an open umbrella at the scene, but who left before emergency services arrived at the property.

“My detectives are working hard to find the answers for Maciu’s family,” acting Superintendent Darren Beeche said.

“We especially need this woman to come forward as we believe she might have information that could assist police with their inquiries.”

Anyone with information that might help police is being urged to contact investigators.


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