Saturday, October 5
player engagement

Whether through AI or blockchain, game studios like Ubisoft are going all in on new heights of ownership, interaction, and community-driven content from players.

The gaming industry is seeing a major transformation: big-name developers are embracing Web3 and artificial intelligence to craft the next generation of gaming experiences.

Recent moves by firms like Ubisoft make it pretty clear that blockchain and AI are turning out to be significant building blocks in the bid to create interactive, community-oriented games that slowly change the way players approach virtual worlds.

A recent report by Forbes estimated that developers were pushing their bets on these technologies to create new pathways for personalized gameplay and economic participation in player-led communities.

Ubisoft and the Push for Web3 and AI Integration

Ubisoft, famous for franchises such as Assassin’s Creed and Far Cry, has been at the forefront of integrating blockchain and AI into gaming.

Doubling down on blockchain technology for true ownership of in-game items by players, the company is creating a model in which players are in control.

This is a sea change for an industry that, up until now, has kept digital assets tightly in the hands of game developers.

With blockchain, gamers are given new ownership of items within the gaming ecosystem where they can trade and gain value with them, thereby offering new forms of entertainment and rewards.

Along with Web3, distinctive personalized experiences are built by AI.

Several AI technologies are being harnessed to tailor in-game events and environments to the behavior of each player and remove the one-size-fits-all approach in-game scripts.

Coupled with blockchain and AI, the player’s choices will open up new economic opportunities besides shaping the storyline.

In-game environments adjust in real-time to the input of the player through AI, making each new experience in the game highly immersive and unique.

The potential impact of these technologies does not stay restricted to gameplay only.

Smart Betting Guide explores how blockchain-based tournaments and AI-driven betting systems have and will also change the dynamics of in-game wagering.

In such a context, where gaming is becoming increasingly personalized and community-centric, betting practices linked to in-game success will continue to grow and evolve, enabling new opportunities for both gamers and spectators alike to participate and spectate.

New digital economies: players as stakeholders

One of the key trends driven by Web3 is changes in digital game economies.

With blockchain, users can finally become full owners of items in games; transfer or sell them, and even rent on secondary markets.

In addition, Ubisoft has already brought NFTs to a few projects and actively changes the in-game economies.

Players are no longer just passive consumers; they have become economic actors who can derive real financial value from the time they invest in virtual worlds.

AI has become such a booster for these new player-driven economies as it enriches and makes interactions more real.

Non-player characters react intelligently to player behavior today, making in-game economies more dynamic and social.

Players become directly involved in creating and evolving game environments and thus have a more invested interest in the game universe.

In effect, the players are contributors through the use of AI and blockchain, which enable them to contribute to the shaping of the game world and benefit from it.

AI: personalized and adaptive gaming experience

Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the design of games, making it possible for developers to create highly individualized storytelling that responds directly to the player’s choices.

Dynamic, adaptive storytelling, moves away from the static plots of games and provides players with a different experience every time they play.

AI’s procedural content generation means the realization of huge gaming environments in real-time and offers diverse, large worlds that are truly alive.

The influence of AI has made even the characters in these games so intelligent.

They are no longer confined to the simple programmed actions of NPCs but adapt according to the way a player would interact with them.

The gamut of responsiveness from AI further creates levels in the play experience, hence drawing greater engagement across players.

Bridging virtual and real worlds through Web3

Web3 isn’t only upending the concept of ownership but is also slowly closing the gap between virtual assets and real-world value.

The blockchain makes in-game items verifiably scarce and authentic, imbuing digital goods with new meaning while finally allowing players to take their stuff into other games.

For Ubisoft, that strategy involves interoperable digital assets, including items a player earns being usable in one game or another.

In this regard, the gaming universe becomes more integrated, and the engagement on the part of the players is deeper.

This would enable the unlocking of special quests across games using the same NFT, for example.

The vision here is one where the gaming experience is going to be more cohesive, extending beyond the titles of games to create an even more engaging digital space for the players.

These innovations will most probably turn upside-down esports and content creation.

It could allow managing tournament prize pools efficiently through the use of smart contracts that guarantee the openness of instant payments, which further gives more trust and accountability to competitive gaming, and thus attracts more participants to the space.

Community and player-centric development

The adoption of blockchain brings in a shift towards community-centric game development.

Decentralized ownership means players can contribute to decision-making about the future updates, features, and directions of the game.

Player-driven governance strengthens the connection between developers and players, from mere passive consumers to active stakeholders.

The community factor comes in. The developers bring the players into a leadership position to have a say in the future of the game, and by doing this, they are creating loyal users.

If they think their view will make an actual difference in the games they play, then they may be more likely to continue involvement.

Democratization is changing the way games are made and is set to shape the future of the sector.

Player engagement in the future

AI and Web3 integrated into gaming mark a sea change in-game developers’ strategies for player engagement.

With these technologies, players are now being given ownership, control, and even creative input into the games they play, making the experience of gaming far more immersive and interactive.

The players become contributors who have stakes in the virtual worlds they are a part of.

While this happens, the symbiosis between AI and blockchain will keep on revolutionizing the future of other industries, from esports where smarter contracts retain absolute transparency and fairness, to player-driven content which keeps it new and relevant.

Developers are looking beyond conventional games to create a living, player-centric universes that promise endless opportunities for engagement.

The post Major game developers are leveraging Web3 and AI to redefine player engagement appeared first on Invezz


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