Saturday, October 26

Bulgarians are heading to the polls for their seventh snap election in four years but opinion polls suggest it is unlikely to break a political deadlock that has slowed economic reforms in the European Union’s poorest member state.

Bulgaria has been plagued by short-lived governments since 2020 when anti-graft protests helped end a coalition led by the centre-right GERB party.

Latest opinion polls suggest that once again no single party will win a parliamentary majority, setting the stage for a fresh round of difficult and prolonged coalition talks.

Polls open at 7am on Sunday with the first partial results expected around midnight (9am Monday AEDT).

A Gallup International Balkans poll, published on Friday by Bulgarian National Radio, put GERB ahead with 26.1 per cent of the vote, followed by two parties in a tight race for second place.

The reformist PP (We Continue The Change) and the ultra-nationalist, pro-Russian Revival party were seen at 16.2 per cent and 14.9 per cent respectively. The same poll saw voter turnout at 31.1 per cent.

Bulgaria needs a period of stable, well-functioning government to accelerate the flow of EU funds into its creaking infrastructure and nudge it towards adopting the euro.

Plans to join the eurozone have already been pushed back twice because of missed inflation targets. Accession is currently slated for January 25.

“A fragmented parliament and long-standing political rivalries will complicate the formation of a functional and stable government,” political risk consultancy Teneo said in a note on Thursday.

“Protracted political chaos might translate into growing voter disappointment with mainstream political parties in favour of populist, nationalist and pro-Russian ones,” it said.

Sunday’s vote was triggered by the failure following an inconclusive June 9 election of Bulgaria’s political parties to agree on forming a coalition government.


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