A large new study provides some of the strongest evidence yet that vaccines reduce the risk of developing long Covid.Scientists looked at people in…
A 54-year-old New Jersey woman who was the second person…
The nervous energy was palpable as hundreds of bike riders,…
Sue Johnson, a British-born Canadian clinical psychologist and best-selling author who developed a novel method…
House Republicans on Tuesday accused officials at the National Institutes of Health of orchestrating “a…
The chairmen of two Senate committees overseeing health policy, concerned about companies “padding their own…
Times Insider explains who we are and what we do and delivers behind-the-scenes insights into…
Slowly but steadily, Marlene Nathanson was recovering. She had suffered a stroke in November 2022…
Slowly but steadily, Marlene Nathanson was recovering. She had suffered a stroke in November 2022…
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